IT00:50:03Marzo 2025Come stabilire i confini psicologici nelle relazioni interpersonaliFlaminia BolzanPsicologa e criminologa
IT00:35:41Marzo 2025I no che non dici agli altri sono quelli che imponi a te stessaCamilla RonzulloGiornalista e scrittrice
IT01:57:42Marzo 2025Educazione al "No": impara a stabilire i confini sul lavoro per migliorare le relazioni professionaliCamilla RonzulloGiornalista e scrittriceFlaminia BolzanPsicologa e criminologa
IT EN00:47:22Marzo 2025From innovation (as an outcome) to innovating (as a process): redefining how your company thinks about innovationBen BensaouProfessor of Technology Management and Asian Business and Comparative Management, INSEAD
IT EN00:26:33Marzo 2025Marketing in motion: the Satispay experience of constant reinventionColine HernéChief Marketing Officer, Satispay
IT EN00:24:08Marzo 2025A whole new world: unlocking the influence of cultureMarcus CollinsProfessor of Marketing, Ross School of Business, Michigan University
IT EN00:22:19Marzo 2025The evolving dance: consumer behavior and marketing intelligenceElena ReutskajaProfessor of Marketing, IESE Business School
IT EN00:26:50Marzo 2025The art of being heard: when a radio becomes a trendsetterLinusDirettore Artistico, Radio Deejay
IT EN00:25:17Marzo 2025Luxury Fatigue: why firms need a fresh marketing perspectiveOscar SandProfessor of Management Practice, Academic Director of Master in Luxury Management, Essec Business School
IT EN00:55:53Febbraio 2024Artificial Intelligence in business: myth or reality?Michael WadeProfessor of Innovation and Strategy and Director, IMD Global Center for Digital Business Transformation
IT EN00:36:42Novembre 2023The role of human intuition in the age of Artificial IntelligenceEugene Sadler-SmithProfessor of Organizational Behavior, Surrey Business School, University of Surrey, UK
IT EN00:30:29Ottobre 2023GPT and Generative AI Chat: a disruption to seize Michael WadeProfessor of Innovation and Strategy and Director, IMD Global Center for Digital Business Transformation
IT EN00:36:39Marzo 2025Disabilities as a source of competitive advantage: hiring people with disabilities can significantly improve an organizationFreek VermeulenProfessor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, London Business School
IT00:25:40Gennaio 2025Spunti di leadership femminile tratti da “La leggenda di Anita”Enrico BrizziScrittore
IT00:25:30Gennaio 2025Ambienti di lavoro equi ed inclusivi: le strategie di ABBSimona AlberiniCountry Holding Officer e Presidente, ABB
IT00:23:41Gennaio 2025Come coltivare il talento delle donne e renderlo un boost per l’aziendaOdile RobottiAmministratore Unico, Learning Edge
IT EN00:54:16Dicembre 2024Demographic challenges: engaging an older workforceSarah HarperProfessor of Gerontology; Director, University of Oxford; Oxford Institute of Population Ageing
IT00:28:15Ottobre 2024Rivoluzione inclusiva: le donne al centro della trasformazioneManuela StrangesProfessoressa di Demografia, Università della Calabria
IT00:26:53Ottobre 2024Algoritmi etici, non discriminatori e responsabiliDiletta HuyskesCo-fondatrice, Immanence
IT00:26:58Luglio 2024Il concetto di linguaggio ampio, non inclusivoVera GhenoSociolinguista, Accademia della Crusca
IT00:22:20Luglio 2024L’importanza e i benefici dell'inserimento professionale delle persone autisticheNico AcamporaFondatore, PizzAut
IT00:25:22Luglio 2024La convivenza delle differenze: significato e applicazioni praticheFabrizio AcanforaScrittore, professore e musicista
IT EN00:32:37Febbraio 2025Sustainability or competitiveness? A false dilemmaEnrico GiovanniniFondatore e Direttore Scientifico, Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile
IT EN00:27:01Febbraio 2025Immersive sustainability: from responsibility to competitive edgeCarolyn KissaneFounder, Energy, Climate Justice and Sustainability Lab, New York University
IT EN00:24:06Febbraio 2025The circle framework: a catalyst for sustainable business and competitivenessJonatan PinkseProfessor of Sustainable Business, King’s Business School, King’s College London
IT EN00:26:06Febbraio 2025From vision to reality: unleashing the power of circular business modelsJulia BinderProfessor of Sustainable Innovation, IMD Business School
IT EN00:23:49Febbraio 2025Circular economy and competitiveness: the Stellantis visionAlison JonesSenior Vice President Global Circular Economy, Stellantis
IT EN00:25:41Febbraio 2025Corporate sustainability: balancing values, competitiveness, and compliance in a new landscapeCarlo CiciPartner, Head of Sustainability Practice, TEHA Group
IT EN00:30:19Febbraio 2025Imagine a world where beauty drives sustainability and competitivenessMario CucinellaFondatore e Direttore Creativo, Mario Cucinella Architects
IT EN00:23:05Febbraio 2025Driving competitiveness through sustainable innovationAndrea VenaChief Climate and Sustainability Officer, European Space Agency
IT EN00:22:52Febbraio 2025Sustainability in the pharmaceutical sector: from risk mitigation to value creationLutz HegemannPresident, Global Health and Swiss Country Affairs, Novartis
IT EN00:22:54Giugno 2024Triple planetary crisis: what companies should know to be prepared and relevantKumi KitamoriDeputy Director, Environment Directorate, Organizzazione per la Cooperazione e lo Sviluppo Economico (OCSE)