IT00:30:22December 2024L’America di Trump o di Musk? Lo scenario mondiale dopo le elezioni americaneLucio CaraccioloDirettore, Limes e Scuola di Limes
IT EN00:16:31December 2024The demographic outlook of longevity in Italy and the impact on companiesGiuseppe ConteDirettore Centrale Risorse Umane, Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale
IT EN00:48:34December 2024The ageing of the Italian population: challenges and opportunities for the futureSabrina PratiDirettore Centrale per l'Analisi e la Valorizzazione delle Statistiche Sociali e Demografiche, ISTAT
IT EN00:54:16December 2024Demographic challenges: engaging an older workforceSarah HarperProfessor of Gerontology; Director, University of Oxford; Oxford Institute of Population Ageing
IT02:01:04December 2024Time management: gestisci il tempo prima che lui gestisca teAlessandra FaiellaAttrice e formatricePaolo GentiliScrittore e formatore
IT EN00:43:16December 2024How to tell impactful stories: key storytelling structures and common pitfalls to avoidKaren EberWriter; Founder, he Eber Leadership Group
IT EN01:02:46December 2024The perfect story for Executives: telling stories that inspire and influence othersKaren EberWriter; Founder, The Eber Leadership Group
IT EN00:45:41November 2024The Chinese Economy in the New International Framework: Strategies, Tensions, and Global ImpactsJanka OertelDirector of the Asia programme and Senior Policy Fellow, European Council on Foreign Relations
IT01:31:09November 2024Il disagio collettivo della società e come uscirneMassimo RecalcatiPsicoanalista e scrittore
IT01:59:07November 2024Comunicare improvvisando: crea un discorso efficace con spontaneitàPaolo RuffiniAttore e conduttore televisivoMarco MarchegianiDocente di Mindset Adattivo, Bologna Business School, Università di Bologna
IT EN00:27:06March 2024Being relevant in the age of AI Mike ArmstrongChief Marketing & Communications Officer, Juventus FC
IT EN00:55:53February 2024Artificial Intelligence in business: myth or reality?Michael WadeProfessor of Innovation and Strategy and Director, IMD Global Center for Digital Business Transformation
IT EN00:36:42November 2023The role of human intuition in the age of Artificial IntelligenceEugene Sadler-SmithProfessor of Organizational Behavior, Surrey Business School, University of Surrey, UK
IT EN00:30:29October 2023GPT and Generative AI Chat: a disruption to seize Michael WadeProfessor of Innovation and Strategy and Director, IMD Global Center for Digital Business Transformation
IT EN00:54:16December 2024Demographic challenges: engaging an older workforceSarah HarperProfessor of Gerontology; Director, University of Oxford; Oxford Institute of Population Ageing
IT00:28:15October 2024Rivoluzione inclusiva: le donne al centro della trasformazioneManuela StrangesProfessoressa di Demografia, Università della Calabria
IT00:26:53October 2024Algoritmi etici, non discriminatori e responsabiliDiletta HuyskesCo-fondatrice, Immanence
IT00:26:58July 2024Il concetto di linguaggio ampio, non inclusivoVera GhenoSociolinguista, Accademia della Crusca
IT00:22:20July 2024L’importanza e i benefici dell'inserimento professionale delle persone autisticheNico AcamporaFondatore, PizzAut
IT00:25:22July 2024La convivenza delle differenze: significato e applicazioni praticheFabrizio AcanforaScrittore, professore e musicista
IT EN00:35:04June 2024Leadership, diversity and psychological security: why they are important for team performanceRose CartolariEuropean Women on Boards and Coaches Council Member, Forbes
IT EN01:05:59February 2024Welcoming age diversity in the company: strategies to remain attractive in the futureChristiane BisanzioCEO; guest lecturer, Swiss Inclusion Group LLC; Università St. Gallen
IT EN01:00:29February 2024Age Inclusion: creating intergenerational cohesion by addressing the challenges and values of all agesCelia De AncaDeputy Dean for Ethics, Diversity and Inclusion, IE Business School di Madrid
IT EN00:37:40June 2023Leading Global (and Local) Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: the challenges of global DEI strategies Rohini AnandFormer SVP and Global Chief Diversity Officer, Sodexo
IT EN00:22:54June 2024Triple planetary crisis: what companies should know to be prepared and relevantKumi KitamoriDeputy Director, Environment Directorate, Organizzazione per la Cooperazione e lo Sviluppo Economico (OCSE)
IT EN00:23:26June 2024Being relevant in a transforming scenarioEnrico GiovanniniFondatore e Direttore Scientifico, Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile (ASviS)
IT EN00:27:26June 2024Being relevant: changing a paradigm, not just solving a problemDaniele BenatoffCo-Founder e Co-CEO, Planet Farms
IT EN00:23:20June 2024How to support companies in their ESG transition: the UniCredit perspectiveFiona MelroseHead of Group Strategy & ESG, UniCredit
IT EN00:26:24June 2024Be relevant: turning sustainability challenges into competitive opportunitiesCarlo CiciPartner, Head of Sustainability Practice, The European House - Ambrosetti
IT EN00:23:51June 2024Leveraging technology to build relevant sustainable strategiesScott ChildressPresident of Sustainability, CFO, Network of the Future, UPS
IT EN00:23:22June 2024ESG as a concrete and substantial choice: sharing social valueEmanuela DelucchiChief ESG, IR & Communication Officer, ERG
IT EN00:17:26June 2024From Occam’s razor to orthogonal thinkingRiccardo ValentiniDirettore, Divisione Impatti del Clima, Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC)
IT EN00:18:38June 2024Understanding the different meanings of sustainability around the world (beyond environment)Farah CaswellPartner, Senior Sustainability and Environmental Engineer, Foster + Partners
IT EN00:22:37October 2023Addressing Sustainability & Scope 3: the Schneider Electric caseYatish TankVice President Procurement, Schneider Electric