MeetingExperience GIFT IT Copy of the book "La leggenda di Anita" and Book Signing for the attendees I The value of diversity: unlocking female talent in the workplace Simona Alberini, Country Holding Officer and President, ABBEnrico Brizzi, WriterOdile Robotti, Sole Director, Learning Edge
MeetingExperience GIFT IT Copy of the book “Smetti di raccontartela! Come liberarti dagli auto-sabotaggi mentali” for the attendees I What if the obstacle is you? Achieve your potential by overcoming mental traps (with networking lunch) Romina Corbara, Sociologist and trainerAnnalisa Minetti, Singer and paralympic athlete
MeetingExperience GIFT IT Copy of the book “I no che non dici agli altri sono quelli che imponi a te stessa” for the attendees I How and when to say "No": establish boundaries at work to improve professional relationships Flaminia Bolzan, Criminologist and psychologistCamilla Ronzullo, Journalist and writer
MeetingExperience Tuesday April 8, 2025 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm MILANO, Gallerie d’Italia, Via Manzoni, 10 IT Guided tour of the Gallerie d’Italia I Between art and management: attention to detail and a critical eye for achieving excellence Marco Grazioli, President, The European House - Ambrosetti; Board Member, TEHA GroupJacopo Veneziani, Art historian and educator
MeetingExperience Thursday June 5, 2025 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm MONZA (MB), Villa Reale di Monza, Viale Brianza, 2 IT Guided tour of the Villa Reale di Monza I Visionary leadership and innovation: the story and example of the Villa Reale di Monza Carlo Fontana Giusti, Professore di Comportamento Organizzativo e Leadership, ESCP EuropeValentina Lodeserto, Professional guide and art historian
MeetingExperience Friday June 6, 2025 10:00 am - 11:30 am MONZA (MB), Villa Reale di Monza, Viale Brianza, 2 IT Guided tour of the Villa Reale di Monza I Visionary leadership and innovation: the story and example of the Villa Reale di Monza Carlo Fontana Giusti, Professore di Comportamento Organizzativo e Leadership, ESCP EuropeValentina Lodeserto, Professional guide and art historian