IT EN00:22:37October 2023Addressing Sustainability & Scope 3: the Schneider Electric caseYatish TankVice President Procurement, Schneider Electric
IT EN00:26:43October 2023Global Supply Chains and the Future of TradeRichard BaldwinProfessor of International Economics; Founder & Editor-in-Chief, MD Business School; VoxEU
IT EN00:29:11October 2023The geopolitics of Critical Raw MaterialsFederico FubiniVicedirettore ed editorialista, Corriere della Sera
IT EN00:25:31October 2023Supply Chain Strategy: digital as a driver for sustainabilityCarlos CordonProfessor of Strategy and Supply Chain Management, IMD Business School
EN01:20:54October 2023The key importance of corporate culture Adrian FurnhamAdjunct Professor in Organizational Psychology, Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour, Norwegian School of Management
EN00:56:29October 2023Corporate culture and productivity: 12 models to engage people and changeAdrian FurnhamProfessor in Leadership and Organisational Behaviour, The Norwegian Business School
IT02:04:00October 2023Divario generazionale: avvicina veterani e nuove leve per raggiungere obiettivi comuniAlessandro BragaHead of Jam - Join the Ageless Mind, The European House - AmbrosettiFabio ContiResponsabile ; Direttore tecnico e già allenatore, Settori Agonistici FIN; Nazionale italiana pallanuoto femminileChristian ZoliCoach e Co-Founder, BeaconForce
IT00:30:05October 2023Gestire le diverse generazioni in azienda: dati e stereotipi Alessandro BragaHead of Jam - Join the Ageless Mind, The European House - Ambrosetti
IT00:25:44October 2023Favorire il dialogo e la cooperazione tra generazioni distantiFabio ContiResponsabile; Direttore tecnico e già allenatore, Settori Agonistici FIN; Nazionale italiana pallanuoto femminile
IT00:32:16October 2023Le sfide più importanti della generazione ZChristian ZoliCoach e Co-Founder, BeaconForce
IT EN00:25:25October 2023What's ahead for Leaders and Companies in HRMarco GrazioliPresidente, The European House - Ambrosetti
IT EN00:31:46October 2023Making Work for Everyone: The Incredible Impact of a Multigenerational WorkforceJacqueline WelchExecutive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer, The New York Times
IT EN00:31:39October 2023The Future of Work: AI and New Emerging TrendsStefano ScarpettaDirector of Employment, Labour and Social Affairs, OECD
IT EN00:26:56October 2023Key Global Workforce Trends: The Impact of Worker Confidence on Motivation, Retention and PerformanceNela RichardsonChief Economist and ESG Officer, ADP Research Institute (ADPRI), ADP
IT EN00:23:00October 2023Metaverse as a New Opportunity for TrainingHosni ZaoualiGuest Lecturer; CEO, Stanford University; ConnectED-Labs
IT EN00:27:07October 2023HR & Sustainability: Shaping the Future TogetherScott DrachVice President of HR, Boeing Global
IT EN01:06:22October 2023Business and sustainability: new risks and opportunities for companiesAurélien AcquierFull Professor of Sustainability, ESCP Business School, Paris
IT EN01:55:23October 2023Anthropocene, planetary boundaries and value creationAurélien AcquierFull Professor of Sustainability, ESCP Business School, Paris
IT00:40:29October 2023Come allenare il pensiero creativo ogni giornoFrancesco PiccoloScrittore e Sceneggiatore
IT01:58:18October 2023Coltiva il pensiero creativo: le tecniche e i segreti dei migliori narratori. Con ingresso al MAXXIFrancesco PiccoloScrittore e SceneggiatoreBianca BorrielloEsperta di comunicazione; Fondatrice, CMF Storytelling
IT00:40:11October 202310 tecniche per stimolare la tua creativitàBianca BorrielloEsperta di comunicazione; Fondatrice, CMF Storytelling
IT00:33:35September 2023Bilanciare intuito e ragione per risolvere i problemiMassimo PicozziPsichiatra e consulente per la gestione delle emozioni in ambito manageriale e sportivo
IT01:42:15September 2023Problem Solving e decisioni: decidere meglio e più velocemente, il metodo CIA e altre strategieMassimo PicozziPsichiatra e consulente per la gestione delle emozioni in ambito manageriale e sportivoMartina PigliapocoCarabiniere e Cavaliere dell'Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana
IT00:27:27September 2023Come rendere più rapido ed efficace il processo decisionale Martina PigliapocoCarabiniere e Cavaliere dell'Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana