IT00:49:54February 2024Le best practice per migliorare la fiducia in noi stessi e nel team di appartenenzaMatteo NeroniPsicoterapeuta e Podcaster
IT EN01:11:47February 2024How to best use ChatGPT for Human ResourcesFermin DiezDeputy CEO & Group Head of Human Resources;Adjunct Professor of HR Strategy, National Council of Social Services (Singapore);Singapore Management University
IT EN01:23:40February 2024How AI changes Human Resources: getting the best out of people and organizationsFermin DiezDeputy CEO & Group Head of Human Resources;Adjunct Professor of HR Strategy, National Council of Social Services (Singapore); Singapore Management University
IT EN00:55:53February 2024Artificial Intelligence in business: myth or reality?Michael WadeProfessor of Innovation and Strategy and Director, IMD Global Center for Digital Business Transformation
IT EN00:50:56February 2024How is Chat GPT different from Google? Using generative AI to its full potentialMichael WadeProfessor of Innovation and Strategy and Director, IMD Global Center for Digital Business Transformation
IT EN00:47:49February 2024The challenge of assessment: better old or new methods to understand the value of people?Adrian FurnhamAdjunct Professor in Organizational Psychology, Norwegian School of Management
IT00:35:38February 2024La Trasformazione Digitale fra strategia, architettura e fattore umano: l’esperienza di GeneraliGian Luca VerrazHead of IT, Generali Italia
IT EN01:05:59February 2024Welcoming age diversity in the company: strategies to remain attractive in the futureChristiane BisanzioCEO; guest lecturer, Swiss Inclusion Group LLC; Università St. Gallen
IT EN01:00:29February 2024Age Inclusion: creating intergenerational cohesion by addressing the challenges and values of all agesCelia De AncaDeputy Dean for Ethics, Diversity and Inclusion, IE Business School di Madrid
IT EN00:42:17February 2024Understanding China: debunking myths and stereotypes to understand a country that doesn’t think like usGiada MessettiSinologa, Saggista e Autrice televisiva
EN01:03:17February 2024Executive feedback: a challenge for leadersJan ArduiExpert in leadership and executive coaching, psychotherapist
EN01:00:32February 2024Creating a Feedback Culture in the CompanyJan ArduiExpert in leadership and executive coaching, psychotherapist
IT02:04:50February 2024Impara a fallire: rendi gli errori tappe per il successoRiccardo PittisCampione di pallacanestro e CoachSara GarofaloDivulgatrice scientifica e Ricercatrice in Neuroscienze CognitiveErica PoliPsichiatra, Psicoterapeuta e Formatrice
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IT00:25:40February 2024“Lasciatemi perdere”, le lezioni apprese dalla carriera sportivaRiccardo PittisCampione di pallacanestro e Coach
IT00:29:02February 2024Frustrazione, fallimento ed errore: come affrontarle nella vita e sul lavoroErica PoliPsichiatra, Psicoterapeuta e Formatrice
IT EN00:41:06January 2024Democracy Tested: Fragilities and Strengths of Italian Society in the Age of Ecological and Digital TransitionFerruccio De BortoliGiornalista e Scrittore; Presidente; Editorialista, LONGANESI; CORRIERE DELLA SERA
IT EN00:47:30January 2024The Fronts of Global Competition in 2024Dario FabbriAnalista geopolitico e Giornalista; Direttore, Domino
IT EN01:28:33January 2024A leader "coach" to grow the team: 7 pillars for executivePaul ExcellExecutive Coach
IT EN00:46:51January 2024Opportunities and challenges of leadership in the age of AIPaul ExcellExecutive Coach
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IT00:14:53December 2023Sviluppo sostenibile: obiettivi in pericoloEnrico GiovanniniDirettore scientifico e fondatore; già Ministro delle Infrastrutture e della Mobilità Sostenibili, Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile (ASviS)
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