Managing Director, CEDACRI
Senior Partner, Director of the Industrial Strategy and Policy Practice, TEHA Group
Senior Associate, Legance
Vice Présidente, Luiss Guido Carli
Motivatore e mental trainer
CEO, iGenius
Writer and Philosopher
Director, San Vittore Prison
Professore Ordinario di Igiene e Sanità Pubblica Università di Parma e Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele
CFO/GM Finance Western Europe, Microsoft
CEO, Human Technopole Foundation
Senior Consultant, InnoTech Hub, THE EUROPEAN HOUSE - AMBROSETTI
Head of Network & Promotion of Innovation Culture - Innovation Center, Intesa Sanpaolo
Global CEO, Spring Studios; Author; Professor of Retail Marketing at UCL, PoliMi, IULM, Unicatt
Partner, BonelliErede
Former CEO & Chairman, Cree & Innovator-in-Residence, Marquette University, USA
Permanent Representative of Italy to NATO
Musician, member of the group Elio e le Storie Tese
Insegnante di yoga e formatrice
Senior Partner, The European House - Ambrosetti
Creative Director, Alkemy
Public Sector Digital Strategy Development Manager Italy, Intel
Chef Stellato
Chief Technology and Information Officer, Gucci
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