IT EN00:36:59Marzo 2023Neuro-Loyalty: the best way to attract and retain customersRoger DooleyWorld’s leading expert in Neuroscience
IT EN00:37:25Marzo 2023Bringing customers to the Digital Enterprise Transformation Path, creating a shared ecosystemMohan SubramaniamProfessor of Strategy and Digital Transformation, IMD Business School
IT EN00:37:48Marzo 2023The challenge for our future: a new smart, equitable and sustainable economy to buildJeffrey D. SachsDirector, Center for Sustainable Development, Columbia University
IT00:30:27Marzo 2023Gli equilibri Atlantici ed Europei ad un anno dall'inizio del conflittoLucio CaraccioloDirettore, Limes
IT00:48:13Marzo 2023Come trarre il massimo vantaggio dalle criticheFederico VagniEsperto di Self-empowerment e sviluppo del potenziale
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IT EN01:09:47Febbraio 2023Doing business in a more ethical and sustainable way: the B Corp modelChristopher MarquisProfessor of Chinese Management; author of Better Business, Cambridge Judge Business School
IT EN00:25:46Febbraio 2023Fare business in modo più etico e sostenibile: il caso Save De DuckSilvia MazzantiHead of sustainability, Save De Duck
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IT01:05:16Febbraio 2023Cosa fare per migliorare il clima lavorativoMarco GrazioliPresidente, The European House - Ambrosetti
IT EN00:17:58Febbraio 2023Are we expecting a global recession in 2023?William De VijlderGroup Chief Economist, BNP Paribas
IT EN00:18:29Febbraio 2023Il futuro della politica italianaAntonio PolitoGiornalista, Già Vicedirettore, Corriere della Sera
IT EN00:18:24Febbraio 2023La grande guerra tra Stati Uniti, Russia e CinaLucio CaraccioloDirettore, Limes
IT EN00:18:28Febbraio 2023Il futuro dell’Italia: geopolitica, economia e societàLucio CaraccioloDirettore, Limes
IT EN00:19:07Febbraio 2023Global economy: the glass is half fullWilliam De VijlderGroup Chief Economist, BNP Paribas
IT EN00:18:52Febbraio 2023Gli effetti della politica sulla società italianaAntonio PolitoGiornalista, Già Vicedirettore, Corriere della Sera
IT EN00:29:42Febbraio 2023The importance of Purpose: enhancing the work of people to make them happier, engaged and productiveKatie BaileyProfessor of Work and Employment, King’s College London
IT EN01:04:03Febbraio 2023Net Positive: doing business by giving the world more than you take. What are multinationals doing in the world?Andrew WinstonAuthor, Sustainable Business Expert
IT EN00:35:24Febbraio 2023Meaningful work: barriers and enabling factors within organizations Katie BaileyProfessor of Work and Employment, King’s College London
IT EN00:36:42Gennaio 2023The gas war: scenarios and prospects for 2023James HendersonDirector; Chairman Gas Research Programme, Energy Transition Research Initiative; Oxford Institute for Energy Studies