IT EN00:51:47June 2021Leading Remotely: understand and compensate for the psychological impacts of remote workingMark MortensenProfessor of Organizational Behavior, INSEAD
IT EN00:42:35June 2021Energizing Resilience. The role of the leaderTamara EricksonAdjunct Professor of Organizational Behavior, London Business School
IT EN00:42:50June 2021Psychology of decision making: how to make difficult decisions in times of emergency and uncertainty.Daniel KahnemanProfessor of Psychology and Public Affairs Emeritus, Princeton University
IT EN00:35:36June 2021Constant features of leadership and necessary changes. The Synthesizing MindHoward GardnerHobbs Research Professor of Cognition and Education, Harvard University
IT01:04:07May 2021Arte e management: "Raffaello Sanzio, lottare per raggiungere il successo"Stefano ZuffiStorico dell'arte; Direttore, Pinacoteca e Museo di Ancona
IT EN02:05:21May 2021Passion and harmony: the keys to authentic and strategic leadership Margarita MayoProfessor of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour, IE Business School
IT EN02:09:53May 2021Authentic leadership: leading others as best you can, staying true to yourself Margarita MayoProfessor of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour, IE Business School
IT00:25:11May 2021L’ingrediente segreto per far funzionare un’ideaMarco TironiExecutive Creative Director, Alkemy
IT02:33:11May 2021Think different: creatività e pensiero lateraleAlessandro BonaccorsiVisual Thinker, ideatore del "Disegno Brutto"Marco TironiExecutive Creative Director, AlkemyRocco TanicaMusicista, membro del gruppo Elio e le Storie Tese
IT00:51:05May 2021Creatività allo zenzeroRocco TanicaMusicista, membro del gruppo Elio e le Storie Tese
IT00:24:50May 2021Essere visionari disegnando maleAlessandro BonaccorsiVisual Thinker, ideatore del "Disegno Brutto"
IT00:02:06May 2021Il processo istintivo di creatività: ascoltare l’intuito. Rocco TanicaMusicista, membro del gruppo Elio e le Storie Tese
IT EN01:04:23May 2021Gentelligence: leverage generational differences to gain competitive advantageMegan GerhardtProfessor of Management and Leadership, Farmer School of Business - Miami University
IT01:56:09April 2021Saper dire no e farsi dire sì: il "no positivo"Alessandro LucchiniFondatore, Palestra della Scrittura
IT00:02:56April 20212 segreti per conquistare il pubblico: sensibilità e versatilità.Matteo MaraniGiornalista e Professore di Comunicazione
IT00:23:59April 2021Come si costruisce una storiaMatteo MaraniGiornalista e Professore di Comunicazione
IT02:03:09April 2021Parole e immagini: il potere della comunicazioneMatteo MaraniGiornalista e Professore di ComunicazioneFilippo LositoStand-up Comedian, Autore e RegistaFabio BucciarelliFotografo
IT00:29:54April 2021Stand-Up Comedy: comunicare tra umorismo e pensiero lateraleFilippo LositoStand-up Comedian, Autore e Regista
IT EN01:09:11April 2021How Biases Distort Decision-Making and What You Can Do to Fight ThemOlivier SibonyProfessor of Business and Corporate Strategy, HEC Paris
IT EN00:28:41March 2021The new Biden era and relations with Europe and ItalyLuigi ZingalesRobert C. McCormack Professor of Entrepreneurship and Finance, University of Chicago Booth School of Business
IT EN00:03:45March 2021Key values for an extraordinary customer service: trust and loyalty.Robert SpectorBook writer