IT EN00:31:39October 2022Living (and fighting) in a submarine: the importance of the Human Factor in complex environmentsManuel Moreno MinutoComandante in Seconda della Base Sommergibili, Marina Militare Italiana
IT EN00:29:26October 2022Space for diversity: the DE&I path at ESAErsilia Vaudo ScarpettaChief Diversity Officer, ESA
IT EN00:32:51October 2022The importance of the human side in the new hybrid workplaces: Microsoft’s perspectiveAmy ColemanCorporate Vice President, Human Resources & Corporate Functions, Microsoft
IT00:27:46October 2022Come raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi: positività e motivazioneGiusy Versace Atleta paralimpica; politica; scrittrice
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IT02:02:05October 2022Think positive: autostima e buone abitudini per raggiungere il successoNicola DontiFilosofoChiara GamberaleScrittriceGiusy VersaceAtleta paralimpica; politica; scrittrice
IT00:21:30October 2022Affrontare le sfide della vita con umorismo e sana leggerezza Nicola DontiFilosofo
IT EN00:33:32October 2022Hidden talent. Find and attract "out of the box" talentsTyler CowenEconomist and best-selling author, Holbert L. Harris Chair of Economics, George Mason University
IT EN01:19:23October 2022The digital transformation from central systems to field operations. The experiences of Sky and SnamGiovanni TraciaChief Information Officer, Sky ItaliaClaudio FarinaExecutive Vice President Digital Transformation & Technology, Snam
IT EN00:45:06October 2022Executive leadership and performance: the (new) skills that will make the differenceRaffaella SadunProfessor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School
IT02:00:46October 2022Conflict management: gestisci le relazioni e disinnesca i conflittiGastone BrecciaStorico; Professore di Civiltà Bizantina e di Storia Militare Antica, Università di PaviaFlaminia BolzanCriminologa e PsicologaSebastiano ZanolliScrittore, esperto di conflict management
IT00:25:02October 2022Esiste una guerra giusta?Gastone BrecciaStorico; Professore di Civiltà Bizantina e di Storia Militare Antica, Università di Pavia
IT00:29:33October 2022Guerra o pace: il conflitto è necessario per innovare Sebastiano ZanolliScrittore, esperto di conflict management
IT00:25:40October 2022Strategie per gestire i conflitti: intelligenza emotiva e pensiero razionaleFlaminia BolzanCriminologa e Psicologa
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IT02:00:46September 2022Dall’orchestra all’azienda: trova il tuo stile lavorativo personaleNil VendittiDirettore d'orchestraMarco GrazioliPresidente, The European House - Ambrosetti
IT EN00:39:01September 2022Stop unnecessary meetings: changing practices and corporate culture to make meetings a competitive advantageSteven RogelbergOrganizational Psychologist, Author and Leadership Expert
IT EN00:30:59September 2022Reshaping supply chain. Become more agile and flexible to overcome disruptionsYossi SheffiDirector of Supply Chain Management Program e del Center for Transportation and Logistics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
IT00:37:18September 2022Arte e Management: Amedeo ModiglianiAlberto MoioliDirettore, Enciclopedia dell'Arte Italiana
IT EN00:42:42September 2022Marketing strategies in the new digital world: the Nestlé caseBernard MeunierExecutive Vice President, Head of Strategic Business Units, Marketing and Sales, Nestlé SA
IT EN00:21:51September 2022Italy at the crossroad between risks and opportunitiesAntonio PolitoGiornalista, Già Vicedirettore, Corriere della Sera
IT EN00:14:46September 2022The future of robots: enriching people’s livesRobert PlayterCEO, Boston Dynamics
IT EN00:22:51September 2022A new social contract to reshape the futureMinouche ShafikDirector, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK