Thursday, July 9, 2020 (10:00 am - 12:30 pm) Meeting

Global scenarios and national interest: pandemic, continuity, change

This live webinar is organized in collaboration with the Centro Alti Studi per la Difesa (CASD), a high-level research institute part of the Italian Ministry of Defence. Two panel of experts will gather together to share some reflections on future economic, geopolitical and security scenarios in light of the current crisis. In particular, they will share their vision at the global and national level: in the first panel, the speakers will focus on geopolitical, economic and security challenges that the international community is facing; in the second panel, the focus will be on how to protect national interests in the current circumstances and on what Italy should expect in the near future.
Among these topics, the following will be discussed:

  • US-China relations and the effects on Europe
  • the role of NATO in the global setting between continuity, resilience and change
  • Turkey-Libya relations and the consequences on the new geopolitical scenario
  • protection of national interests: from economic security to cybersecurity
  • the Italian contribution in building a stronger Europe.


Lucio Caracciolo

Director and Founder, Limes

Enrico Giovannini

Professor of Economic Statistics, Tor Vergata University, Rome

Alessandro Orsini

Director, International Security Observatory, LUISS University

Francesco Maria Talò

Permanent Representative of Italy to NATO

Gennaro Vecchione

Director General, Department of Information and Security, Presidency of the Council of Ministries


July 09, 2020
10:00 am - 11:15 am Remarks
11:15 am - 12:30 pm Debate

Documenti dell'incontro

Nota informativa

Global scenarios and national interest: pandemic, continuity, change

Nota informativa


Global scenarios and national interest: pandemic, continuity, change



Global scenarios and national interest: pandemic, continuity, change

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